Solo musica y su expansion, nada de lucro!! _EgOmUsIc_



Ahi nada mas para toda la chamaquisa que admiramos al señor aguas les dejo esta presentacion del año pasado por terrenos gabachos

El setlist es el siguiente:

1. "Opening theme"
2. In The Flesh?
3. Mother
4. Set the Controls for the Heart Of the Sun
5. Shine on You Crazy Diamond
6. Have A Cigar
7. Wish You Were Here
8. Southampton Dock
9. Fletcher Memorial Home
10. Perfect Sense (Parts 1 & 2)
11. Leaving Beirut
12. Sheep
13. Speak to Me
14. Breathe
15. On the Run
16. Time
17. Great Gig in the Sky
18. Money
19. Us and Them
20. Any Colour You Like
21. Brain Damage
22. Eclipse

23. Band Intros
24. The Happiest Days of Our Lives
25. Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)
26. Vera
27. Bring the Boys Back Home
28. Comfortably Numb

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4